Friday, November 22, 2013

Tech Giants-- Making Money (or Not), Hating on Each Other, etc.

 Microsoft Wants to Sell You an Anti-Google Mug

I haven't caught up on my news in awhile. I've just been all over the place. I have a couple of questions and/or thoughts:
  • Why isn't Amazon making money yet? Any article that starts off by saying, "Amazon’s third quarter followed a familiar script: it sold vast quantities of things, lost money while doing so, and investors were delighted." is never a good sign. It has 100 fulfillment centers, two more to come, they've expanded their services into several new ventures-- but are they heading the right direction? I've got a new theory that, similar to the way there were certain banks that were "too big to fail", there are tech companies who are that way too. Amazon I think might be beginning to fall into that category. They'll probably never go under, but they might not ever make a ton of money either
  • Microsoft is definitively at a cross roads.  Go the business route for the stability? Chase after individual consumers for the hype and potentially higher margins? Hardware? Software? So many decisions...
  • I knew it. I knew there was something bad about working at Google. Though I gotta say, "I work with too many awesome people" is weak sauce. I'm looking at you, guy.
  • I love Jeff Koons, but I had no idea he designed the new ARTPOP cover for Lady Gaga. Upon further reflection, it totally makes sense. Even though ARTPOP isn't doing well. Sad face.
  • It was only a matter of time before the big names in Tech (Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc.) began to turn on each other. Therefore: Microsoft's new campaign (complete with swag!) that's anti-Google
  • I can't believe it's possible that a whole town can't have cell phones. But I guess looking for life in outer space is a worthy cause. This is a real thing people.

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