Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm A Leaver!

I'm a little nervous because of my friend at school, P. He's kind of the best guy ever-- one of those people that you meet and you feel an instant connection to, so even though you've only known them for a short time (like 1 year) they feel like family and you can't really imagine what life would be like without them in it, now that they're in it.

I was sitting in the Winter Garden yesterday doing coffee chats (there's a lot of those now, as my poor first years begin to realize the horrors of what it means to be in full-on recruiting mode). It was probably my 5th or 6th one and I was running out of ways to explain why strategic roles don't necessarily always have the word "strategy" in the job title. As I finished up, P came bouncing up to me in the adorable way that he does (he usually bounces everywhere actually), and proclaimed "I want to hang out more. Like, now. Well not now, but soon. Because you're a leaver! You're going to be leaving me soon!". I was kind of confused at first. At first, I thought he meant "a lever" and so I pantomimed my arm being a lever and then giggled in a stupid way as I waved my lever arm around.

It struck me though that he's right. I've been so focused on "the next thing"-- the next LEAD event, the next dinner I had to make, the next planning meeting, the next time I had to go to work, the next final, etc. that I hadn't stopped to fully realize-- holy shit I'm going to be leaving Chicago in six months! In the beginning of fall, I think I realized it because my thoughts were still on all the paperwork I had to fill out to get ready to leave Apple/go back to Apple full-time. Now, because of how busy I've been, I've forgotten to keep that in mind and forgot that my big focus point for this year was to make the most of me living in Chicago.

Granted, a lot of my time has been taken up by dealing with a ridiculous (I mean it, ridiculous) roommate situation, but I really need to reprioritize my life.

In other news, I also noticed a few days ago that when I have to wait in a standing position (like, in a line or something) for any extended period of time (2 minutes) I do this weird thing where I tap my right and left feet. Not like, tap dancer style. But like I'm trying to communicate using Morse code with my feet. I can't remember when I started doing this weird thing, but now that I've noticed I can't stop. I'm such a strange person.

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