Friday, November 8, 2013

Fancy SV-ers Ruining It for the Rest of Us

You know what I'm sick of? Those hot-shot folks in Silicon Valley-- riding their candy whips, sippin' on the 'Cardi and upgrading to their iPhone 5S-es (I always have to check when I type that--- I'm constantly terrified that I typed "iPhone 5 asses") like gangstas do.

How dare they try to save the news industry by investing their ungodly amounts of money in dying news channels? (Though I guess some of it is well-deserved since they' know...making things that no one has ever tried before.) Trying to innovate by putting desktop-power chips in phones and forcing progress across the board?

But the real fear should probably focus on the Seattle area. Bezos is on a tear right now. He's on the news investing thing, he's making a ton of revenue (though no profit yet).

I just remember that the young professionals in Silicon Valley were the dreamers-- the independent, free-thinking spirits who dreamt big and did big things. As Silicon Valley grows, it seems like there's a distinct change in the atmosphere-- people are more obsessed with the "see and be seen", the dreaming has been tied up in red tape, and it's become increasingly clear that nothing is for free any more (real estate in San Francisco? Fughedaboutit. Three words: Google Bus Pinatas.)

Going back to Silicon Valley in a few months will be a huge change for me, and I wonder how I will adapt. Here's the list I have so far:
  1. Denial-- just refuse to believe I'm spending $2K+ per month for 600 square feet
  2. Bargaining-- see if maybe my office will let me sleep under my desk
  3. Anger-- I feel like this is where most of my time will be spent

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