Sunday, July 21, 2013

Things I Learned From...The Movies

I went to the movies tonight after a long absence, and I learned a lot.  Whoever said the movies don't teach you anything was a liar. Let me share with you some things that I learned:

1. Previews are kind of awesome-- I know a lot of people hate them, but I actually almost enjoy them as much as the actual movie nowadays. Especially during the summer--I think the best previews happen then. But anyways. I digress.
  • Runner Runner-- I didn't actually see the preview for this one, but I did see the poster in the lobby, and since Ben Affleck AND Justin Timberlake are in it, it's either going to be the most awesome movie ever, or the worst movie ever. Either way, I'm probably going to watch it. But secretly, so no one will judge me and hold yet another movie against me when we get into those discussions about what terrible taste I have in movies. (Transformers was not THAT bad people.)
  • Seventh Son-- Holy crap Julianne Moore! I hope I look like you when I'm older, because, datum lady you got it going on. Also, after Snow White and the Huntsman (Yes, I saw it. Yes, I am ashamed I saw it. Yes, it's a waste of your time and money.) I'm beginning to get a serious complex. Some of these older gals are really holding up under the test of time. Makes me embarassed about my womanliness. Just sayin'. Also, let's stop making movies that make me think that it's an Eragon movie and get all excited.
  • Enders Game-- Yup. Nerdgasm. All over the place. Excuse me while I go nerd out and buy the set on Amazon. 
2. Mark Wahlberg has got to be one of the hardest working men in Hollywood. Why must I feel like I have to watch every movie he makes? Its not even like I find him sexy or anything-- I think it's really just that he only makes one kind of movie. Angry brooder with almost magical strength and fighting skills decides to exact revenge on bad guys/evil corporation/one guy who ruined his life. He doesn't care about the rules-- he takes the law into his own hands. Awesomeness ensues. 

3. The Actual Movie. I heard a lot of really positive reviews of this movie, so I really felt like I had to go be part of this movie. I feel like, after I was told that it was basically a rehashing of the well-known Godzilla movie, I was able to appreciate it more. Despite the gaping plot holes and the kind of flat characters, I really enjoyed myself. Guillermo Del Toro really has a fantastic mind when it comes to monsters, so having him mastermind a remake of the Godzilla theme was kind of genius. Additionally, with a strong female (ASIAN) main character and the testosterone-y fight music and big giant robots killing big monsters and I was super excited about this movie. It's probably not the best movie of the summer, but if you're going to see it, definitely see it in the movie theater--otherwise the big special effects will just be wasted on you.

4. Is it just me or are there a ton of "the world is ending so hold on to your panties" type of movie going on? Can we focus on more Despicable Me and less on how the world as I know it is going to end? Between my quarter life crisis and all these movies telling me that everything is going to hell in a hand basket, I'm not feeling to up on life. Thanks.

Finally, read this article ("Cape of Good Hope") in my catching up of The Economist, and maybe it's just my nerdy comic interests showing through, but I thought it was awesome. Really makes me think about Superman in a whole new way. 

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