Monday, December 3, 2012


Why are we still talking about this Marijuana Business? The Mary Jane roaches, the sweet purple smoke? C'mon, I can be a little gangsta. I listened to a Vanilla Ice album once.

I was watching a segment on MSNBC earlier today and the two talking bobble-heads (not to be mean, but they actually do bobble their heads a lot), and they were appalled at the very idea of legalizing marijuana. Even the Washington Post picked up the story soon after Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana in their state, with the ability to manufacture, process and distribute for medicinal purposes.

I know that everyone has heard the arguments against legalizing marijuana. It's a slippery slope, it's a gateway drug, it breeds an unsavory culture, it could increase the many opportunities for public danger. But what about the upsides? Tax revenue alone could help us in the gigantic financial hole that we're in, means more jobs if you're going to open it up completely like Washington and Colorado did, by regulating it, you're actually taking power away from the large black market that supplies it now, and you're also limiting the... negative international relationships that we're making in for the drug suppliers south of the border. Why not?

I feel like we have bigger problems to deal with as a nation. A fiscal cliff, a eurozone- now-global problem, an unemployment problem and other national drug problems that have a much larger consequence. Maybe it's time we focused on the important things.

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