Sunday, January 8, 2012

Just Once In Life...We Should Stop Making Gender-Specific Lists

Now that the new year is in full swing, and resolutions are flying around madly and being broken almost as fast...I've been trying to catch up on my magazine reading. In the most recent issue of Glamour (yeah, that's right. I read Popular Science, Discover, Fortune, Fast Company and The Economist. I also read Glamour, Lucky and--most embarrassingly--People. I try to be equal opportunity in my magazine reading) that I read (which was the December issue...I'm a bit behind alright?) there was a very interesting article entitled "Just Once in Life, Every Woman Should", which was supposed to give me some tips on how to live my life in a more interesting way. There's only three bullets, which I like (Efficiency. I likes it), but I couldn't help but notice that these things aren't really what I expected nor are they specifically woman-only things to do. So here's my rewrite:

  • Thing to do: Be Wildly, Passionately Pursued
    • Justification: Women nowadays are too forthcoming! In the author's day, "[women] were so unlikely to show our hand, women ended up seeming like mysterious creatures...Men value things they have to work hard for, and they tend to become very creative when the straight-ahead approach isn't helping...for the sheer romance and surprise of it, not to mention the delicious boost of ego that comes along with it-- is the chance to be pursued: desperately, wildly, with complete abandon"
    • Rewrite: Be Wildly, Passionately Pursued...and Know When to Be the Pursuer
    • Rewrite Justification: Alright people. This is the 21st century. I hear where the author's coming from, but with all due respect, there's a difference between enjoying the propriety and nostalgia of a time long past and playing hard to get just for attention. This is the only one of the three that I pretty much outright disagree with. We've (women) have worked hard to get where we are! And trust me, there are plenty of women who still do things "by the book", let's not encourage more women to conform to these more passive roles and let the aggressive girls have their day. As for the gentlemen, know that your efforts are appreciated, regardless of whatever type of girl you decide to pursue
  • Thing to do: Be a Fan of Something-Anything!
    • Justification: "You have to allow yourself to be more than just an audience, leaning back and watching. You need to lean in-- it's the best way to feel joy, outrage, betrayal, the full range of geeked-out excitement beyond the simpler pleasures of thumbs up and thumbs down"
    • Rewrite: N/A
    • Rewrite Justification: Completely agree. Just do it. The only thing I would add is that maybe we should expand your geeked-out-ness to something beyond the Lady Gaga and Game of Thrones mentions in this article. I am a HUGE Alias (spy show starring Jennifer Gardner) fan myself, and it has given me some great conversations. With random people. There's something to be said about bonding over something that seems as trivial as a TV show with another true fan-- it adds a spark to your day, you make an instant friend, and who else could relate to "Do you remember that time when Sydney....Can you believe?! I mean, who saw that her roommate was a secretly an evil cyborg twin trying to kill her?!". That being said. Feel free to freak out with your geek out over whatever you want. I really like mobile technology (as you may have gathered), I also really like reading about quantum/theoretical physics (who cares if its not applicable yet?) do whatcha want. And enjoy it to the fullest
  • Thing to do: Be Friends with a Much Older Woman
    • Justification: "In today's world, we can't always be near family or live near those with whom we grew up, which makes friendships-- particularly intergenerational ones-- lifesavers...Without my cadre of girlfriends who have "been there, done that--20 years ago to be exact," I would have been reinventing the wheel with every new relationship, job offer and bump in the road"
    • Rewrite: Be Friends with a Variety of People
    • Rewrite Justification: This one seems kind of like common sense to me. Yes, there are certain bonds that woman-woman relationships have that are a godsend. Yes, you should have a variety of ages of friends because the "been there, done that" is incredibly helpful. However, let's not limit this rule to women. People (men and women) should seek a variety of friendships (men and women) to learn from multiple perspectives and hopefully see new points of view. Older friends will definitely provide more guidance and advice (I would never be where I am today without their help!) but your younger friends also remind you to constantly be hopeful, idealistic, and to continue to have awe at the little things that you maybe have taken for granted (have you ever gone to the zoo with a 6-year-old? It's more exciting than a promotion, a vacation in a new city and a new years eve party rolled into one. And it's awesome). Both perspectives, I think, are equally valuable to living a well-balanced life
So that's it. In summary-- this article (and my rewrites) really won't say anything that you wouldn't have been able to figure out yourself, but it's nice to be reminded. Live aggressively or more traditionally, but be true to yourself. Chivalary should never be dead. Live exuberantly and passionately. There's a lot out there to be passionate about! Make friends and be friendly-- find ways to help others/know when to ask for help and try to maintain your sense of wonder. Happy new year everyone! Hope this is the best one yet.

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