Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Running Toward Hectic Times

So in a completely random bit of news today, I was trying to catch up on my news reading and (yeah yeah, I know crazy things are happening on the Visa/Google/Mastercard, etc. front, but I'm going to get to that shortly) I came across this article from the New York Times, talking about the most popular term in the dictionary. Entitled "Run', a Verb for our Frantic Times", the article talks about how in the past, the most "meaningful" word (they define it as the word that has the most unique meanings) was "put" and then "set". Now, the word is "run". Take the following paragraph for example:
HER birthday: must set plans in motion. Run a bath, put on cologne, set the table. High anxiety. Run down list: set watch again, put water in glasses, set flowers. Run to the window — phew! Watch her put a finger to the doorbell. Such joy! What timing! And just as the sun sets, too!
There are so many different versions of "put", "set" and "run", you can see how this could happen. But the article ponders (as do I) whether the new popularity of "run" is due to the increasingly technological world that we live- apps run on devices, clouds run companies, you need to run materials by someone, you need to run a meeting and eventually, you run yourself ragged... In all the senses that I can think of, it implies that if the most meaningful world is any indicator of the world that we live, it tells me that we are increasingly collaborative, increasingly "up"(good things) and increasingly "on" and getting increasingly global (some questionable things).

Nevertheless, an interesting read...

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